The REAL Reason Why You Don't Want To Practice

Some days, you think about how you are so destined to have chops for days, marching your dream Drum Corps and becoming the greatest marching percussionist who ever lived!

Then there are days where you don’t give AF at all and don’t even want to touch your drum sticks.

What gives?

How could you be so motivated one day, only to feel like some lazy slob the next?

I’ve mentioned many times before that in order to overcome laziness, you have to prioritize routine over inspiration.

But to truly beat laziness, we have to know WHY you don’t want to practice sometimes.

And the REAL reason why you sometimes don’t want to practice, comes from a very biological and evolutionary standpoint.

What? Like the Caveman days?

In a sense.

You see, from an evolutionary standpoint, your DNA, your genes and/or your brain doesn’t care about your hopes & dreams or your aspirations and it definitely doesn’t give AF about your drumming.

The only thing your brain needs you to do, is survive long enough to contribute your DNA to the gene pool.

That’s pretty much it.

If you have food, shelter and protection (basically all the basic necessities you need to survive), then your Brain doesn’t really care about anything else.

So the next time you feel lazy, understand why you feel lazy and understand that in order to go beyond your evolutionary programing, you have to really dig deep and figure out WHY you want to attain all of your hopes and dreams.

Once you figure that out, not even your evolutionary programing can stop you from having chops for days, marching your dream Drum Corps and becoming the greatest marching percussionist who ever lived!

What do you think? Think I’m spot on or way off base?

For further perspective, makes sure you watch the video below:

Karl Arrieta